Vol. 3 No. 1: September (2024)

Sacrococcygeal Teratoma: Tales of the “Tailbone” Tumour in a NewbornTharveen Nair Chandrasekaran, Jia Yee Pwi, Bhuwaneswaran Vijayam
Sacrococcygeal Teratoma: Tales of the “Tailbone” Tumour in a NewbornTharveen Nair Chandrasekaran, Jia Yee Pwi, Bhuwaneswaran Vijayam
The Journal of Health and Quality of Life (JHQoL) is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding in the fields of health sciences, well-being, and quality of life. Our journal serves as a platform for disseminating innovative research, insightful perspectives, and evidence-based strategies aimed at promoting health and enhancing the quality of life across diverse populations.
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Malaysia, Korea, India