Enhancing Usability in Gamified Computer Programming Courses for Higher Education
Gamification, usability, intrinsic motivation, computer programming, self-directed learningAbstract
Gamification is increasingly recognized as an innovative educational approach that actively engages students in their learning journey. It has the potential to enhance the learning environment by making it more enjoyable and engaging, thereby benefiting education. This research focuses on boosting student intrinsic motivation in a Computer Programming Fundamentals course through gamification. The problem statement addresses the challenge of maintaining student motivation and interest in technical subjects like programming. The study aims to identify effective gamification elements, assess the usability of the gamified system, and evaluate their impact on student intrinsic motivation. A three-phase approach was used in this research: analysis, design and integration, and evaluation. A quantitative methodology, involving surveys, was employed to measure different aspects of usability testing which are usability, educational usability, and user experience. The results indicate high levels of usability across all measured constructs, with mean scores translating to percentages of 89.4% for usability, 89.6% for educational usability, and 89.0% for user experience. The findings highlight the positive impact of gamification on student intrinsic motivation in the Computer Programming Fundamentals course. By effectively incorporating game elements, students demonstrated improved usability, educational usability, and overall user experience in their learning process. This research contributes to the theoretical understanding of educational gamification, offers innovative methods for teaching programming, and promotes self-directed learning.
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